Basic Program
Basic Program
Referral Partners that have been selected to participate in the Basic Program can submit a limited number of referrals at no cost. Referrals are contingent on OHAAT’s current funding (the more funding we have, the more beds we give away) and are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you have questions about the Basic Program, contact our office at office@ohaat.org or 215-346-6427.
Goods and Services Provided | Program Policies | Program Procedures | Resources
Goods and Services Provided
Bedding Package
Every recipient in the Basic Program is guaranteed the following items:
Sheet sets, blankets, books, and stuffed animals may be gently-used, but all other items are new.
OHAAT does not provide cribs, toddler beds, bunk beds, or larger-size beds for Basic Program recipients. Bunk beds may be requested through the Reimbursement Program.
In Home Delivery
OHAAT volunteers deliver Bedding Packages directly to recipients. Deliveries are made within 30 days of each request. OHAAT volunteers do not assemble the beds, but they will put them in whatever room (or rooms) the family specifies.
Bedding Packages are typically delivered; pick-ups can be arranged if this is more convenient for the family.
Program Policies
Referral Partners Eligibility
We interview and select referral partners for our Basic Program on an annual basis. If your organization meets the below eligibility requirements and you would like to be considered for partnership next year, please send a letter of interest via email to our office at office@ohaat.org. Interviews will take place in October and final selection in December. Please keep in mind that organizations with an emphasis on home visits and direct housing assistance are preferred.
Referral Partners Eligibility
** Examples of improper bedding include:
We have limited resources and strive to serve children who are most in need, so we cannot replace mattresses unless their structural integrity has been compromised. We will not replace mattresses on the floor, futons in the bedroom, or stained mattresses. We will not replace bed bug infested mattresses. We will not provide a bed frame unless a mattress is needed.
Important Note About Bed Bugs: Mattresses and box springs with bed bugs should not be discarded. Instead, cover them with bed bug proof encasements. Beds bugs will be contained in the encasements and die. You can find encasements at stores that supply bedding, like Walmart and Target, or online at www.bedbugcentralstore.com. For more information, read Bed Bugs Frequently Asked Questions.
Program Procedures
Referring Clients
Authorized representatives from approved Basic Program partners can refer a client at any time using our online Basic Program Client Referral Form. Referrals are contingent on OHAAT’s current funding (the more funding we have, the more beds we give away) and are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Healthy Sleep Tips
Every family that you refer to our program will get one of these handouts and a magnet and bookmark with four healthy sleep habits: go to bed at the same time every night, follow a bedtime routine, keep electronics out of the bedroom, and avoid drinks with caffeine. We encourage you to talk to the family about their sleep and how these habits can improve children’s health, behavior, and school performance. For more information about the importance of healthy sleep, visit the Healthy Sleep page of our website or Contact Us.
Bed Bugs Frequently Asked Questions
Every client that you refer to our program will get one of these handouts, and we encourage you to review it with them.
Protecting Yourself from Bed Bugs on the Job
What can you do to protect yourself? Here’s a handy PDF from our friends at the Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management Program at Penn State. If you’re interested in learning more, check out their website.